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Nerd ParadiseArtisanal tutorials since 1999
Hi all, I need help with API integrations, has anyone come across any?
In your question, https://www.makini.io/integrations/maximo is a great fit. This Makini API integration allows you to add and maintain simple integrations using a unified API. With Makini, you can sync data such as a quote request - this is a document that an organization sends to one or more vendors requesting quotes for goods. Site - represents the physical location or facility where equipment is installed or operations are conducted. Vendor - an external organization that provides services or supplies. This list is long enough to describe in one post, you can read more on their website, hopefully I was able to help you out
Just in time I came across your discussion, relevant issue for me, I tried to find a solution myself on the internet, but alas no luck. I studied the site and was pleasantly surprised, the guys are real professionals, everything is as accessible and convenient as possible, a great option for solving your question
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