Seriously, what am I doing here? And why is this such an old site?
how are you doing
do i have you on discord?
do you want my discord?
sure. i dont use discord too often tho but i can be reached with it
ok. you can find my discord name on my TCaS profile, the one with the same name as here. also, my school ended up blocking TCaS...
oof ok looks like ill be using np
it's stupid. they've also blocked my outlook, and i'm pissed off
it's stupid. they've also blocked my outlook, and i'm pissed off
yo, Licky. could you please send axolotl here so i can talk to him?
are you there?
are you there?
sounds like your school has tight site restrictions oof
im trying to commit to going on np at least once a day for the new people here
i mean ok
axolotl said:
sounds like your school has tight site restrictions oof
ik, they're also messing with YouTube somehow...