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Nerd ParadiseArtisanal tutorials since 1999
Nobody moderates this site, and now the few people keeping it undead are doing all the things that typically gets threads locked in TCaS. Lmao.
Look at the © on the bottom tho...
It says ©2022
Yo licky...
yo, axolotl
killjoy made up some rules for the site a while ago...
how you doing?
listen to this song: seal- kiss from a rose
also, if i give you my password to the $4MU$ tcas account, can you please check my "what are you going to hell for?" question?
also. friday was a snow day for my school...
i'm doing good. i went to bed at 2:37 AM today though. that's probably the furthest i've stayed up, definitely on a school night
i will listen to the song later
let's see, i guess you can give me the password

we are lucky if we get snow
also, how long were you on the vc?
were you sleeping even through the rock music?
nah if i'm gonna be honest my dad has this internet limit thing and it turned on around the time i entered that vc. even when the internet limit thing turned on i remained in the vc i guess
internet limiter?
never heard of those...
yes lol
i like eating cyanide...
try and guess what i mean lol
you like eating apples
whole apples, including the cores...
also, i emailed you...
sounds good
send him the pic i emailed you...
that is me irl...
yo samus face reveal???!!
lol yes
how old do i look?
i can't look at it yet. class yknow?
Forum > General Discussion > I'm bored as hell