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Nerd ParadiseArtisanal tutorials since 1999
seriously. how. did. i. get. here...
the wormhole of tcas
no. i mean how did i even get to the point where my future is a VERY thin line...
how so? by thin line do you mean you could fall of track any moment? or does thin line mean you only have one path?
by thin line i mean one more wrong move, and i fall right into the pits of hell.

speaking of hell, can you put all the answers from my hell question in our chat thread?

samusaran u have made like half the threads in general discussion
i know. i dont know why tho...
I'd call it polluting the thread but the forum is dead anyways so it probably doesn't matter. But seriously. Please stop.
theki said:
I'd call it polluting the thread but the forum is dead anyways so it probably doesn't matter. But seriously. Please stop.

no. i'm just trying to bring this site back...
Forum > General Discussion > how did i even get here?