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I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out implicit differentiation and I thought to myself, "When will I ever use this as a programmer?" I recall an earlier thread where most people said that Calculus is one area of mathematics that they never use in their daily work. I've heard people say that Calculus will improve my problem-solving skills, but that's not specific to Calculus. I improve my problem-solving skills when I screw around with my Rubik's Cube, but I don't see Rubik's 151 on my list of required classes. I've never heard anyone say they actually calculus tools in their programs. At this point, I'm just going to cram the shit out of this class for the next three weeks, pass the final, and never determine maximum acceleration or calculate the are under a curve again for as long as I live. I don't care if I get a D- in the class. Just give me my 4 credits so I can move on to classes that will actually prove useful in the future. Do any of you current programmers actually use calculus as part of your programs?

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the Internet.

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I mean, it entirely depends. With most programs involving physics (I.E Complex Navigation, Artificial Intelligence, Physics Simulators, 3D Rendering Applications, ect. ), it definitely helps to be able to apply those concepts, as physics, especially Hamiltonian physics, tend to delve into calculus quite a bit. And with more complex systems, such as Artificial Intelligence, the mathematical concepts tend to turn up quite a bit. Even simple stabilization systems for drones and such, programs like PID Control, use both integrals and derivatives in their programs. So it will definitely show up if you tend to do robotics or guidance systems, but not necessarily as much if you plan on doing system infrastructure, computer applications, or web design.
I was trying to infer the cause of some database anomalies and turned to Fourier analysis to test whether their creation timestamps were coming at regular intervals. Now, I admit I adapted someone's published code rather than write an FFT implementation myself, but if not for Calc class I wouldn't have known frequency analysis was even a thing.
Forum > General Discussion > Do any programmers actually *use* calculus?