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Nerd ParadiseArtisanal tutorials since 1999
BlurbCheck back in later, when my brain isn't a bucket of solvent and chicken broth.
Last OnlineSunday, December 1st, 2019
RegisteredFriday, March 2nd, 2018
Post Count25
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Please, if Blake or any mods are reading this, send help immediately. There's a small camp of surviv...
*cough* About Page - "I am a software engineer and I work at Google still." */cough*
I mean, it entirely depends. With most programs involving physics (I.E Complex Navigation, Artificia...
Are these threads manually updated by you whenever a new blog post comes out, or are they automatica...
The forum's "Mark all Posts as Read" button appears to do the exact opposite. When I click it, every...
Just thought I'd try to populate this sub-forum with a few questions about the technical side of NP....
Also, this >>> Tetris Anyone else seeing what I'm seeing? The code goes off the right-hand side of ...
Don't know if it's a bug or just not implemented yet, but random button in LinkedList isn't working ...
I also accept bitcoin and meaningless praise / titles.
Not necessarily an article idea, but more forums would be nice. Maybe, like, one for each group of t...
First motivational message : GO OUT THERE! Anyone who may be too afraid to use the forums, use the...
First motivational message : GO OUT THERE! Anyone who may be too afraid to use the forums, use the...
Not to be confused with "Complaints", Rules do apply here. Used to tell Blake what he did well, or j...
Here are some applicable rules to the forum. Because somebody has to do it. Post any new, necessary ...
Also, any internationalization/localization for time of post? 'Cause I hate to make it seem that I c...
Rollover from whatever bugs were mentioned in "This is a test thread": testtt - "Would just like to...
Post article ideas here. Can't guarantee they can be made into articles. Also feature Ideas. Can't...
Do them here, where no one really has to listen to them. If they're serious, find a spot somewhere e...
Report Bugs Here. Can't guarantee they'll be fixed, there's a good chance they won't. Don't complain...
Actually, I'll not be a backseat driver. I'll set up some basic forum threads. Added some new threa...
Also, should we just rename this thread/create a new thread to 'bugs', or better yet 'Nitpickers com...
Also, I noticed that the date on the update on the homepage always defaults to the date it's viewed ...
Also, thought I'd flag this up -> https://nerdparadise.com/mspaint "...Website that uses Times New R...
RIP Forum. Dead after only a couple weeks' use.