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Nerd ParadiseArtisanal tutorials since 1999
BlurbGood morning.
Last OnlineAbout 20 hours ago
RegisteredTuesday, December 21st, 1999
Post Count15
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Warning: Undefined array key "t0" in /home/public/nerdparadise19925_2024_jul_21_12_05_08/code.php on line 13603
Lol, NP is idle again. I've been doing quite a bit of stuff in Python these days, and have accumul...
And again
All done!
The blog post section on the front page is actually just a display for this forum category content.
Well, here I am nearly 20 years later, launching what is (if I'm counting correctly) the 10th versio...
All of the following answers are probably somewhat disappointing. Web hosting service. I use Nearly...
Fixed! Fixed! Blarg, I'll fix it tonight.
Holy crap, I need to give you a medal.
Eh, give it time. Without article commenting up and running yet, I don't really have any compelling ...
There is a way to register an account and log in. The register and login pages are hidden away right...
Test test test Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet.